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Hun Sen and EU Ambassador Discuss Escalating Socio-Economic Crisis in Myanmar

Phnom Penh, June 13, 2024: The Senate President of Cambodia, Hun Sen, and Igor Driesmans, the European Union Ambassador to Cambodia, expressed shared concerns regarding the intensifying socio-economic challenges in Myanmar. Their discussions took place during a courtesy call by the EU Ambassador at the Senate on June 12, 2024.

Both leaders agreed on the urgency of addressing the situation in Myanmar, emphasizing that resolution efforts must prioritize diplomatic negotiations to break the current deadlock. Hun Sen reaffirmed his commitment to aiding Myanmar’s pursuit of peace, noting the complexity of the situation requires perseverance and patience.

The EU Ambassador appreciated Hun Sen's leadership during the 2022 ASEAN Summit and acknowledged Cambodia's neutral position regarding the conflict in Ukraine. He also lauded the nation’s efforts towards facilitating peace in Myanmar.

As the EU’s Special Envoy to Myanmar, Driesmans highlighted the European Union’s commitment to upholding human rights, democracy, and freedom of expression. He stressed the importance of finding a peaceful solution to restore normalcy in Myanmar.

The discussions concluded with an agreement between Hun Sen and Ambassador Driesmans to continue their dialogue on Myanmar and seek collaborative solutions at future meetings.

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